Got one colleague to lean on?
Now picture a global family by your side.
Ora Study Club offers an environment for personal, professional and practice growth that results in real behaviour change. Our core values are a full-team approach to comprehensive diagnosis and treatment planning, that elevates the quality of patient care and learning through peer-to-peer engagement. Planning looks at a facially driven wellness model of care with the dento-facial complex at the forefront. Our curriculum brings global dentistry to the heart of your practice and complements DCNZ requirements for a Professional Development Plan, by arranging structured peer contact. Continuous lifelong learning and maintaining your skills is much easier with the support of peers.
A Message From Our Programme Director
Welcome to our 2025 Study Club season—a place to grow your practice, hone your skills, and elevate your approach to complex care and treatment planning. I wanted to bring the Seattle Study Club to Auckland to foster collaboration and draw from the expertise of international and local specialists, encouraging big picture thinking in treatment planning. This is something I've been very passionate about after my Kois Center education many years ago. It's easy to be siloed in practice, and know a little about a lot - putting it all together to be effective for our patients is much harder to do, and better done surrounded by supportive peers.
Drawing on global curriculum material from the Seattle Study Club, we have access to speakers and content from a global pool of experts, as well as our own experienced general and specialist colleagues.
Join us as we invest in each other’s growth and create meaningful change for our patients and ourselves, with a commitment to excellence, collaboration, and an open mind.
Dr Andrea Shepperson - Programme Director
What is the Seattle Study Club?
Founded by Periodontist Dr Michael Cohen in 1992, Seattle Study Club (SSC) is an international network of dental professionals interested in furthering their knowledge and providing excellent care. There are more than 250 dental study clubs located all over the world.
Celebrating The First Auckland Affiliate of the Seattle Study Club.
The Guiding Philosophy
There are three guiding principles for any SSC Affiliate:
Neither ideal learning nor ideal dentistry can be attained by simple exposure to various techniques and treatment modalities. The most beneficial knowledge and treatment results from total case management—an appreciation for the big picture and an understanding of the role each technique and treatment plays in that picture.
The second principle is that we learn more through participation and clinical interaction than observation. Through hands-on experience in clinical sessions, club members enhance their treatment planning skills and learn how to bring an expert touch to the cases they treat every day.
The third principle is the idea that learning with and from one’s peers in a structured and supportive environment is the most effective way to master the challenges posed by the dental profession.
As part of an international network, you have access to Seattle Study Club member benefits and resources:
Held on the last Tuesday of every month, commencing February 2025 at 6:00pm for a light meal, with the meeting proper starting at 6:45pm and finishing by 9pm.
Meetings occur for 10 months of the year from February to November.
Membership Fee
The Ora Study Club is a not-for-profit organisation, with membership fees going to the Seattle Study Club, covering food and venue costs, and administration and communications with members.
The 2025 Annual Fee is $2000 + GST, or $200 + GST per meeting. Fees are payable at the commencement of the year.
The Adina Hotel in Auckland CBD, with easy access to the motorway from North, South, West and East.
Paid parking is available at Quay Park Parking, the Adina Carpark or on-street parking.
Please register your interest through the form below:
Global Network / Local Collaboration / Comprehensive Dentistry
Seattle Study Club was born out of a desire for a new kind of learning experience. Today, 32 years later, it has become something even better—an amazing network made strong by innovative dentists like you. In our experience, ideal learning and better dentistry result from total case management, so we provide opportunities for a mix of clinical lectures, problem-solving workshops, and treatment planning sessions—all with an unparalleled level of interaction and camaraderie.
Local learning in a peer-based setting
Hands-on experience through treatment planning sessions
Support and camaraderie of clinicians in your area
Programs to strengthen your practice, your business, and yourself
Valuable and exclusive discounts from industry partners
There are more than 250 Seattle Study Club affiliates around the world—each one dedicated to cultivating excellence in comprehensive dentistry.
The goals of Seattle Study Club are to promote and advance:
Interdisciplinary treatment planning as the foundation of ideal, comprehensive care
Peer-based, ongoing learning as the most efficient and effective way for dentists to enhance their understanding of techniques and technologies
Commitment to achieve one’s full potential in becoming a complete clinician - marrying the science and the art of dentistry to deliver the highest level of care
Enthusiasm and passion for the profession of dentistry and a true understanding of the immense benefits dentistry can provide
Camaraderie and growth among dentists to maintain a network for both professional and personal support
A university without walls that grants access to leading dental authorities in a variety of fields through digital and in-person means